Month: April 2014

What do you get when you place a 5.5 ft rabbit (marina sossi) in a 54 year old light aircraft with a famous photographer turned academic (spencer rowell), a maverick artist and broadcaster (simon tyszko), fly it up to 48,…

Isotopica will be broadcasting (a)live every tuesday afternoon between From 20 may To 20 June for a fabulous re-sounding of the UK’s largest ever audio loudspeaker. From 20 May 2014, a full-size reconstruction of the gigantic ‘Denman horn’ will be…

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In Conversation with Gerard Melanga and Dr Jean wainwright Gerard Joseph Malanga (born March 20, 1943) is an American poet, photographer, filmmaker, curator and archivist. Andy Warhol and The Factory Gerard Malanga worked closely with Warhol during that artist’s most…

Lancaster Court tenants and residents association (TRA) were invited for a lovely day out by our new best friends Fulham Palace Gardens , the delicious and reinvigorated slice of green that used to house the London Bishops. It’s an amazing…

Can you hear that deafening sound echoing through London? It’s the sound of the goodness and the joy being sucked out of our lives and our social fabric by the Neo-Liberal free market. Therefor this week, isotopica gets to meet…