isotopica today considers data, the glitch, the algorithm, the random, the boolean. in the age of increasingly total data the simple yes or no can take us on a journey way beyond. Perhaps the fictional biblical arc was actually an accurate image of a future where life itself is reduced to it’s binary constituents of zero and one.
We evoke this notion with some noises. (and some jazz).
yummy stix
It occurred to me that much of our increasingly populous world is and can be design algorithmically, is like a flow chart, you this if that or then that if not this etc. etc.
the restaurant chain Leon is perhaps a prime example as is Haagen Das, a meaningless set of words that sound like expensive ice cream.
Leon has family style photographs that would appeal directly to the nostalgic and home missing demographic it aims at, the various elements are a carefully designed pick and mix of semiotic fishing hooks….
With everything with meaning being so devoid of meaning then the random becomes so much more precious…. the impossible sounds that glitched digital audio can produce have become a new landscape for artists to explore, much as the minimal bits in between, the negative spaces define what we have listen to in the past then the 50 hrz hum, the plugging in and out of a guitar lead become more meaningfull that the songs they interrupt.
Glitching can simply be arranging things that shouldn’t happen, or not arranging them or letting an algorithm arrange them….
Importing raw hexadecimal data into a sound editor from a text an image or even a video will produce a new world of sound more visceral than any syth….
today i have taken an episode of the magic roundabout and converted it into a digital static mixed in with a similar disassembly of a cult s&m film called black glove (something I’m recontextualising in my studio), all this mixed and muxed with some of the familiar background noises from isotoiopca Rioji ikea who preformed live in hoxton last week in a blistering style, and of course alva alto…