Isotopica will be broadcasting a suitably ironic and depressing* Christmas edition to reflect Tyszko’s appalling and tragic year, which managed to combine the loss of a 25 year loving yet enmeshed and codependent relationship to a pair of test tube twins (not mine), a car crash of a studio including the loss of a $50,000 piece of work into a skip by a bizarre and bullying caretaker, the harsh emotional reality of loosing a planned future home and family along with 4 acres of prime welsh woodland to an alcoholic sister along with my nephew, closest family member and friend, who was killed by the sheer stupidity of a hippy shaman in a sham of an ayahuasca ceremony.

I took to my bed for about four months, a smoking jacket, a laptop, some java script and many lovely friends, kept me just about afloat,
I kid you jingle bells or not?

Combine this with a Tory x factor very little Britain of shopping malls crowds like turkeys looking forward to Christmas, oh yes, so this is Christmas… And just what will this sound like?
*after a life time of frequent visits from the black dog and her puppies, Tyszko wishes to make clear it is simply business as usual at theculture art practice, another day another death wish, but the mischief goes relentlessly on and on… xx