simon tyszko: The UnFunFair
video of the seance
still image slideshow

theunfunfair at beaconsfield galery. please click here if this email is not displaying just beautifully and all will be revealed
There’s a whole heap of madness going on in most people’s minds, most of the time, isn’t there? Unlike everyone else, however, artist Simon Tyszko has the good sense to set it free, run with it, and allow his wildest thoughts to become touchable. Like the full-sized Dakota airplane wing installed in his flat on the fifth floor of a Fulham council estate. Or his work in cocaine, Absolute Hypocrisy, that made a criminal of the buyer – the ‘deal’ taking place in a Parisian hotel room. His practice is an ode to what-if, a punk-prayer to the possible. His latest show, in the arch space at the Beaconsfield Gallery, is a cornucopia of his most recent explorations in tangibility – some of the best bits that have made it from mind to matter. So go play at The UnFunFair today.
Vyvian Raoul LeCool

1: the exhibition contains very high voltages in excess of 10,000 volts, electronic noises, extended resonant frequencies, and seductive lightiing,

@BellaFreud The Unfun Fair, gotta see amazing exhibition by @simontyszko at @BeaconsfieldArt. Kid and kook heaven.


petrol bombs 'Pig Is No More An Unclean Meat Than Dog' simon tyszko 2013


Simon Tyzsko’s mixed media practice constructs narratives that allude to the joys and tragedies of a personal life but are located within the dysfunctionalities of the wider social body.
For Beaconsfield’s Arch Space, Tyzsko recycles a diverse range of machines and objects in two compositions of sound and light bound together with neon – a core symbol of consumer culture.
This is a test bed event comprising works in progress and completed compositions from Tyszko recent studio output.




22 Newport St
SE11 6AY


+44 (0) 207 582 6465
[email protected]